MNRI - Primary Reflex Integration

What is MNRI?
It is a therapy designed to help integrate primitive reflexes.
Primitive reflexes reside in the brainstem and once have performed their programmed function should become integrated so that higher cortical centres can function unimpeded. Sometimes these reflexes do not integrate or become unintegrated when the body has to go into a “survival mode” which may be from injury, emotional trauma or other stress.
The MNRI protocol is designed so that the brain can learn the correct motor response to a given stimulus which is usually a sensory input, it is the process by which the system is shown the correct use of the reflex.
Find out more about MNRI >>
MNRI Method is a therapy for children and adults with behavioural and/or developmental delays.

Stands for Masgutova the inventor and founder of the therapy

Stands for Neurosensorimotor

Stands for Reflex

Stands for Integration
Lara has undertaken training in many MNRI programmes including Dynamic and Postural Reflex Integration, Archetype Reflex Movement, Neurotactile Integration, Lifelong Reflexes, Trauma and PTSD recovery, Intronaut and Infant Reflex Integration and more as well as having taken part in many Family Conferences. Find out more about Lara’s training with MNRI >>
Lara is the first MNRI Core Specialist in the UK.
Lara is now able to incorporate these therapies in her practice at Hands on Health Family Chiropractic. Lara is currently one of the few practitioners in the UK using the MNRI protocol at this level..
Find out more about MRNI with this short video >>.
What is a chiropractor trying to achieve?
For many, chiropractic is about restoring function and stability of the spine. By releasing tension in the spine, muscles can be relaxed thereby relieving the pain associated with the anomaly.
However, what is it that runs through the spine? Your spinal cord, this is your nervous system. It is your nervous system that controls every cell of your body.
The brain sits at the top of your nervous system runs down your spinal cord, branches off in pairs at each vertebral level to control every muscle, organ and cell of your body.
The chiropractor does more than move muscles or straighten your posture and spine. A chiropractor is affecting your nervous system allowing your brain to talk to every part of your body.
What can I Expect?
The first visit will start with an interview to find out how your child has been developing. This will include developmental history, medical history, lifestyle history. The interview is then followed by a neurodevelopmental assessment to help determine how your child is developing now. Lara will then discuss with you any findings and what this may mean for your child. A management plan is then agreed. If primary/primitive/retained reflexes are found during the assessment. MNRI techniques may be used to help them integrate.
Why are reflexes important?
When the reflexes are unable to integrate the task that they were designed to do doesn’t get quite finished. This might mean that there is a delay in a milestone, or that they have difficulty focussing on a given task as they are giving their attention to a task that should be automatic. For example, a school-age child might not be able to sit still because the reflex that makes him wriggle is still active and not yet integrated in a mature, age-appropriate way.
What happens when the reflexes don't integrate?
When the reflexes are unable to integrate the task that they were designed to do doesn’t get quite finished. This might mean that there is a delay in a milestone, or that they have difficulty focussing on a given task as they are giving their attention to a task that should be automatic. For example, a school-age child might not be able to sit still because the reflex that makes him wriggle is still active and not yet integrated in a mature, age-appropriate way.
How can MNRI help?
From the assessment it will be determined which reflexes are unintegrated. While the specific MNRI techniques used to support the integration of each primary motor reflex is unique, the steps followed to during the integration process generally occur as outlined below.
1. Sensory Motor Pairing
The process begins by pairing the appropriate reflex pattern sensory response with the appropriate motor response, modelling for the body the correct stimulus response relationship. The pairing is first completed for the basic elements of the reflex pattern, and then for the variant elements of the reflex pattern.
2. Integrating Exercises
A set of integrating exercises are applied to train all active aspects of a reflex pattern:
• First working with the basic reflex pattern,
• Next working against the basic reflex pattern, and
• Finally working with and against variants of the reflex pattern.
Generally steps one and two are repeated up to three times for each individual reflex addressed in a treatment session.
4.Reassessment of Reflex State
A quick re-check of the reflex state is often done to assess progress made during the reflex session.
Find out more >>
How is MNRI different from other reflex integration programmes?
Typically other programmes try to teach the reflex movement pattern with verbal instructions. This works well with a child who has good verbal and understanding skills. MNRI teaches the reflexes through stimulation of the sensory pathways of the body and then teaches the body the reflex through movements. The process begins by pairing the appropriate reflex pattern sensory response with the appropriate motor response and then trained through the integrating exercises.
What is involved?
At the first visit a comprehensive history is taken so that we can understand how things are at the moment with your child. I am also interested in any trauma, medications, lifestyle as well as other therapies that have already been tried and still undertaking. It is best to have as much information as possible. A physical assessment will then be undertaken to understand what your child does well and where more attention is needed. This will include, posture, developmental neurology and primitive reflexes as appropriate. This gives me an understanding of the output of the child’s brain and how it is functioning.
The therapy may include; structural function and primitive reflex integration. With MNRI the primitive reflex integration usually involves repatterning exercises. The exercises are done in the clinic and the best results achieved if they are continued at home, that way further progression can be made in the clinic.
How do I get started?
Start with the Extended New Patient option, this will allow time for taking the history, and assessment and getting started with the therapy/treatment. This is 1.5hour and is £120.
Should follow on therapy be required it is £40 for 30min or £60 for 45min.
You can book online or call our reception 01276 501777