Covid-19 measures at Hands On Health - Family Chiropractor

The well-being of you and your family is our top priority.

If you're not feeling well, please call to reschedule your appointment to a later date.

Our chiropractor, Lara will be following Government Guidelines

The governments of England and Wales have withdrawn their final COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Controls (IPC) rules, namely the PPE requirement for face masks to be worn in healthcare settings unless there is a known Covid infection risk.

Please let reception know and do not attend the clinic if you have a continuous cough, high temperature and loss of taste and smell.

If you are unable to attend the clinic in person you may benefit from a Telehealth/video consultation

We're sanitizing our workspaces and all areas of high touch consistently throughout the day.

Our tables and equipment are cleaned between each patient visit.

Disposable paper coverings will be used on the couch.

You may bring your own towel, if this is more comfortable for you.

We'll ask you to wash your hands before entering the treatment room and when you leave the clinic.

Patient scheduling has been reduced and the seating arranged in reception to allow appropriate social distancing between patients. Our reception team remain working off site and able to handle all queries and bookings.

We ask that you please pay by card or cash. You may also pay through our booking system prior to arrival.

If you are a new patient to Hands on Health – Family Chiropractor, before attending an appointment at the clinic, you will need to complete a New Patient Intake form. This helps us to complete administrative tasks and enables us to understand a little about your presenting health status before you arrive.

Our ‘at risk’ patients (pregnant, over 70, health condition, weakened immune system) are welcome to phone us in advance for advice and we will do our best to help you via Telehealth consultation. If you do require face to face care we will make special arrangements for you to arrive and leave with minimal possible contact and exposure.