AMN - Applied Movement Neurology

What is AMN – Applied Movement Neurology

When viewed from behind your spine should be straight and your hips should be level with your shoulders and your head level.
When viewed from the side you will see an undulating spinal curve which has a shock absorbing function, reducing the tension to the brain and spinal cord.
The spine is made up of 24 moving bones called vertebrae. These sit on top of the sacrum and the pelvis attaches to either side of it. The coccyx sits at the base of the sacrum. The skull, which encases the brain sits on top of the vertebral column.
The spine has two main functions, one is to provide flexibility and the other is to protect the delicate nervous system.
The nervous system starts in the brain and travels through the spinal column to the sacrum. Pairs of nerves branch off your spinal cord and exit the spine between each pair of vertebrae. The nervous system controls every cell, organ and tissue in your body and connects them all to the brain.
If your nervous system becomes impeded by malfunctions of misalignments of joints the flow of information may become disrupted. This in turn may result in a decrease in the function of body’s cells, tissues and organs and even a diminished resistance to disease. You may experience pain or other symptom , or like tooth decay you may ‘feel’ nothing at all until the decay has caused prolonged damage