Morning Sickness
You are not alone!

Morning Sickness
There are many reasons why you might experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. You are not alone around 50 – 90% experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. While most common in the first trimester, nausea and vomiting may not be limited to this period. Recent studies have found that nausea coincides with the development of the baby when it goes through a significant stage of development.
The cause for morning sickness is unknown. While it is called morning sickness it may not be limited to the morning (this is something I have experienced as well as many other women I have spoken to).
Some of the following remedies have been found to help some women with morning sickness:

Rather than eating 3 heavy meals a day, try eating 4-6 small meals per day.

Ginger tea can be used freely. You may also like to try either smelling a tincture of ginger or a couple of drops onto the tongue.

Eat crackers or dry toast 20 – 30 minutes before getting up in the morning. These bland foods may also help if feeling nauseated during the day.

Adequate amounts of nutrients are vital during pregnancy. A vitamin supplement especially formulated for pregnancy is a good idea. Vitamin B6 in particular may help with morning sickness.

Get up slowly from bed; rushing may bring on the nausea.

Homeopathic remedies are certainly helpful. These can be purchased from a chemist or health food store, better still consult with a professional and they will put you on the right track straight away.

A diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates tend to prevent nausea. A snack before bedtime may also help

Extra sleep and relaxation will help (although difficult if you have an older toddler to look after, ask a family member or friend to take the toddler for an hour or two DON’T rush around and do the house work)

Minimise fluids with meals. Instead drink small amounts between meals

Drinking fluids is essential especially if you are loosing fluids through vomiting.

Acupressure wrist bands (usually availble for seasickness) may be helpful

Herbal teas, fruit juices and iced lollies may be helpful in combating the nauseas feeling

Regular chiropractic check-ups may also help reduce any postural stresses or strains during this time.