Understanding your pain
Pain is a kind of a warning sign. Just like the smoke detector warning you of the possibility of fire.
Many people think being well is how you feel. Unfortunately you may feel great, but have undetected health condition. Yet you may feel lousy but have a simple cold. Symptoms such as a runny nose, cough or fever is the way your body is working to overcome a disease process or excessive stress. When you have one of these symptoms it doesn’t mean you are sick but that your body is under extra stress trying to get rid of these unwanted substances. Covering up these warning signs is like ignoring the warning oil light on your car. The source of the problem needs to be addressed, balance to the body returned, just like addressing the oil situation in the car.
The presence or absence of physical symptoms is not a reliable indicator of health.
The nervous system controls every tissue and cell in your body. When the nervous system sustains interference by stresses which are either physical, emotional or chemical then your body may fail toresist disease (symptoms may or may not be present).
Chiropractors are specialists in the detection and removal of spinal dysfunction and nervous system interference.
Similar to tooth decay, symptoms often only arise after dysfunction may have been present for many years. You maintain the health of your teeth but what will you do when your spine wears out!!
It is wise to look after your total health to maintain your skin, your teeth, your hair – your spine and your nervous system.

Back pain

Back & leg pain

Neck pain

Arm & leg pain